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Pricing API

Action Plan's Pricing API provides information about the current packages and pricing as well as an endpoint for obtaining a quotation for given parameters.

Plans & pricing endpoint

[GET] /api/pricing/show.json


The response for the pricing request looks like on the example below. It contains 3 main keys:

  • header - general information
  • packages - details of all offered packages
  • addons - details of all available addons

The response below is just an example, not the offer. The actual costs may differ from prices in the example.

"header": {
"valid_from": "2023-01-01",
"valid_till": "2023-12-31",
"latest_change": "2023-04-29",
"format_version": 1
"packages": [
"name": "Action Plan STARTER",
"symbol": "action_plan",
"variant_symbol": "starter",
"included_modules": [
"prices": {
"pln": {
"unit_yearly": 19.0,
"unit_monthly": 22.0
"eur": {
"unit_yearly": 5.0,
"unit_monthly": 6.0


"name": "Action Audit STANDARD",
"symbol": "action_audit",
"variant_symbol": "standard",
"included_modules": [
"included_addons": {
"checklists": 10,
"audit_areas": 50,
"disk_space": 10.0
"prices": {
"pln": {
"unit_yearly": 39.0,
"unit_monthly": 43.0
"eur": {
"unit_yearly": 10.0,
"unit_monthly": 11.0

"addons": {
"disk_space": {
"value": 10.0,
"unit": "GB",
"prices": {
"pln": 50.0,
"eur": 12.5
"checklists": {
"value": 10,
"unit": "pcs",
"prices": {
"pln": 100.0,
"eur": 25.0
"audit_areas": {
"value": 50,
"unit": "pcs",
"prices": {
"pln": 100.0,
"eur": 25.0

Quotation endpoint

[GET] /api/pricing/quotation.json

Request params

  • quotation[accounts] - a mandatory integer parameter representing the requested number of user accounts.

  • quotation[modules] - a mandatory string parameter representing a list of requested functional modules. The values must be coma-separated:

    • ap - the Action Plan CORE module
    • au - the Audits module
    • qk - the Quick Kaizen module
    • pulse - the Action Plan Pulse mobile application
    • booth - the Action Plan employee booth
  • quotation[currency] - a mandatory string parameter representing currency of the quotation. Currently pln and eur currencies are supported.

  • quotation[addon_limits][disk_space] - an optional decimal parameter representing the requested disk space limit available in the entire system expressed in GBs.

  • quotation[addon_limits][checklists] - an optional integer parameter representing the requested limit of checklists available in the Audits module.

  • quotation[addon_limits][audit_areas] - an optional integer parameter representing the requested limit of audit areas available in the Audits module.

Request example

As a form data:


or as a JSON:

"quotation": {
"accounts": 50,
"modules": "ap,au,pulse",
"currency": "pln",
"addon_limits": {
"disk_space": 20.0,
"checklists": 15,
"audit_areas": 70


The response for the quotation request looks like on the example below. It contains 4 main keys:

  • monthly - price per month expressed in the requested currency
  • yearly - price per year expressed in the requested currency
  • package - details of the most financially advantageous package in terms of the yearly price
  • addons - extra paid resources not included in the selected package. Still, the price of the package and addons is the best possible.

The response below is just an example, not the offer. The actual costs may differ from prices in the example.

"monthly": 2400.0,
"yearly": 26400.0,
"package": {
"name": "Action Audit STANDARD",
"symbol": "action_audit",
"variant_symbol": "standard",
"included_modules": [
"included_addons": {
"checklists": 10,
"audit_areas": 50,
"disk_space": 10.0
"prices": {
"pln": {
"unit_yearly": 39.0,
"unit_monthly": 43.0
"eur": {
"unit_yearly": 10.0,
"unit_monthly": 11.0
"addons": {
"disk_space": 10.0,
"checklists": 10,
"audit_areas": 50